HRM and Change Management



Change is inevitable in any organization, and the ability to manage it effectively is critical to its success (Gabutti and Morandi, 2019). Human Resource Management (HRM) plays a vital role in change management, as it is responsible for managing the people aspect of organizational change  (Johnson, Fan and Li, 2022).


In this blog article, we will discuss the importance of HRM in change management and how HRM can support successful change initiatives.

The Importance of HRM in Change Management

Human resource management, or HRM, is concerned with all aspects of an organization’s workforce, from recruitment to training to retention (Johnson, Fan and Li, 2022). Human resource management, or HRM, is essential in times of transition because it helps keep workers invested, motivated, and satisfied. Tummers et al. (2015) examines aligning the organization’s human resources with its strategic goals is another HRM function that helps the business succeed.

Resistance to change is one of the most difficult aspects of change management to overcome (Wang, 2010). Employees may fight change because they are anxious about the future or worried that it will hurt their careers. Human resource management (HRM) may play a pivotal role in overcoming resistance to change by improving communication with staff and giving them the tools they need to adjust to new circumstances (Wylie, Sturdy and Wright, 2014).

According to Gabutti and Morandi (2019) Human resource management (HRM) plays a significant part in change management by determining what knowledge and abilities are needed to fill the newly formed positions and responsibilities. Human resource management experts can aid in determining where workers may be lacking necessary abilities and then filling those gaps via training and professional development programmes (Tummers et al., 2015).

The Role of HRM in Supporting Change Initiatives

Human resource management (HRM) may aid change efforts in numerous ways (Tummers et al., 2015). Creating a change management strategy outlining the actions and measures needed to carry out the change effectively is a crucial stage. The change management strategy must include how the transition will be communicated, how employees will be trained, and how success will be determined (Johnson, Fan and Li, 2022).

Effective communication is essential in change management, and HRM may play a pivotal role in facilitating this (Tummers et al., 2015). Gabutti and Morandi (2019) examines that human resource managers should inform workers of the positives of the transition and keep them posted on its development. Human resource management may also assist in answering employee queries and managing staff expectations.

Human resource management (HRM) may aid change efforts by creating and enforcing educational and professional growth opportunities for employees (Tummers et al., 2015). Training and education programmes like these may provide workers with the know-how they need to adjust to the shift and do their jobs successfully. Human resource management experts should adjust training and development programmes to meet the specific requirements of each employee while still supporting the company's overall goals (Johnson, Fan and Li, 2022).

Finally, HRM may aid change projects by assessing how successful they have been (Johnson, Fan and Li, 2022). Key performance indicators (KPIs) should be established by HRM specialists to gauge the effectiveness of the transformation programme (Gabutti and Morandi, 2019). To ensure the change programme is successful, these key performance indicators should be routinely reviewed and analyzed and linked with the organization’s strategic goals.

Benefits of Effective Change Management

There are several gains that may result from well-executed change management. Enhanced staff engagement and motivation is a major benefit (Gabutti and Morandi, 2019). When workers feel enthusiastic about their jobs, they are more inclined to give their all on the job, which in turn may boost efficiency and output (Wylie, Sturdy and Wright, 2014).

Organizations may further their strategic goals with the support of competent change management. Organizations can guarantee they have the necessary knowledge and abilities to succeed by coordinating their people resources with their strategic goals (Wylie, Sturdy and Wright, 2014). An organization’s competitiveness and bottom line may improve as a result of successful change management in response to changes in the market or industry (Wang, 2010).



In conclusion, HRM plays a crucial role in change management by managing the people aspect of organizational change. HRM can support change initiatives by developing a change management plan, communicating effectively with employees, providing training and development programs, and measuring the effectiveness of the change.


Gabutti, I. and Morandi, F. (2019) ‘HRM practices and organizational change: Evidence from Italian clinical directorates’, Health services management research, 32(2), pp. 78–88. doi: 10.1177/0951484818790213.

Johnson, N., Fan, Y. and Li, Y. (2022) ‘The impacts of career-related HRM practices on project worker positive attitude toward organizational change’, Journal of behavioral and applied management, 22(1). doi: 10.21818/001c.37169.

Tummers, L. et al. (2015) ‘Connecting HRM and change management: the importance of proactivity and vitality’, Journal of organizational change management, 28(4), pp. 627–640. doi: 10.1108/jocm-11-2013-0220.

Wang, M. (2010) ‘Developing Chinese HRM under organizational change and entrepreneurship context’, Journal of Chinese human resource management, 1(1). doi: 10.1108/jchrm.2010.46501aaa.001.

Wylie, N., Sturdy, A. and Wright, C. (2014) ‘Change agency in occupational context: lessons for HRM: HR change agency’, Human resource management journal, 24(1), pp. 95–110. doi: 10.1111/1748-8583.12028.


  1. This blog post clearly describes what is change management and how to manage the change management plan by HR personnel. This blog also discuss about the benefits of change management. The blog is very well presented with relevant citations a nd references.

    1. Thank you for your comment on the blog post about change management,

      As you noted, the article defines change management and offers tips for HR staff on how to efficiently oversee a change management plan. Additionally, it covers the advantages of change management, including how it can lower resistance to change, boost employee engagement, and enhance overall corporate success.

  2. Well-discussed article on HRM & Change Management. When the pandemic forced the majority of firms to work from home, this was unquestionably the case. Companies had to quickly adapt the way they provide their services. The transition to remote work was a change management crash course for HR staff. We learned from the pandemic that we have no control over outside variables. Every day, businesses must adapt to shifting customer habits, new technologies, and evolving workplace standards. HR plays a critical part in how businesses adapt to change, but this is something they can manage. (Kelly, L. 2021)

    1. I agree that HR plays an essential role in assisting organisations in being more adaptable to change. We've learned from the pandemic that businesses need to be ready to manage unexpected situations and make quick adjustments to their operations. HR specialists may assist by creating efficient change management plans, offering assistance to staff members going through transitions, and encouraging a flexible and resilient culture. HR will need to be flexible and proactive in order to assist businesses with transformation as the business environment continues to change.

  3. The vital role of human resource management (HRM) in controlling organisational change is highlighted in this blog post. According to the article, HRM may assist with successful change initiatives by developing a change management strategy, effectively communicating with employees, offering training and development opportunities, and assessing the success of the change. The advantages of effectively managing change are also covered, including improved employee motivation and engagement, increased competitiveness, and accomplishing of strategic goals. Overall, this article offers insightful information about the function of HRM in managing organisational change and its significance for corporate success.

    Would you like to recommend some key performance indicators that HRM should establish to gauge the effectiveness of a change management program?

    1. Yes, HRM can use the following key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess the success of a change management program:

      1.Employee Engagement: Analysing the levels of employee engagement before and after the change can reveal how well-received it was and whether it had a beneficial effect on employee’s commitment and motivation.

      2.Training and Development: Keeping track of the number of workers who have finished change-related training can assist establish whether the workforce has picked up the skills and knowledge required to support the change.

      3.Time to Implementation: Monitoring the length of time it takes to put a change into place can assist determine how effective the change management process is and where it needs to be improved.

      4.Financial Performance: Determining whether the change has led to cost savings or revenue growth can be done by measuring the financial effect of the change.

      5.Customer Satisfaction: Analysing the levels of customer satisfaction prior to and following the change might reveal whether the change has improved the customer experience.

      These KPIs may help HRM in determining the efficacy of a change management program and making decisions for continuous process enhancement.


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